Facebook Agency Ad Account

We provide Facebook Agency Ad Account for all difficult Facebook niches such as Crypto, Gambling, Weight Loss, and more.
Timzone is optional, the default currency is USD.

OUr Service

Just focus on running ads. We provide everything you need: Facebook accounts, Premium Proxies, Facebook Pages, Payment methods.
Just make the payment and start advertising hassle-free.

Facebook Ad Accounts

We have all types of accounts you need: 250, 500, no limit. All of them are already warmed up.
Timzone is optional, the default currency is USD.
Both the ad account and social account will be replaced for free when locked.

Facebook Pages

All our pages are old pages with a history of running ads. They are all strong, and customers get them for free when using our services.
Additionally, we also provide custom pages for customers upon request, at a price of just $10/page.

Daily Reports

All accounts have statistics: deposit amount, fees, daily ad spending. Everything is clear.

Payment Methods & Proxy

Cards integrated into several advertising accounts. If an advertising account becomes ineffective, your money will be transferred to another account for free.
Free Premium Proxies provided and integrated into the account, fast, secure, and private.

The Fees & Refund

Starting fee is 8% and can be reduced to 6% if the daily budget increases. Customers who are dissatisfied can request a refund, usually within 1 days as we wait for the accounting department.

24/7 Dedicated Support

Depending on the client’s budget, we support 18-24 hours/day.
We provide support through Telegram.


We have only 2 packages: Test plan, Pro plan.

Test Plan



/ 3 days

  •  FREE setup & testing
  • Accept all ad types

Pro Plan



  • Starting at 8%
    Down to 6% for bigger budgets.
  •  FREE setup & testing
  • Accept all ad types
    Free account replacement if locked
    24/7 support

Below is our working process

Get a demo account

Customers contact support to receive a free demo account. Please provide information about the ads you want to run and your daily budget to get a suitable account. Demo accounts will be provided via Gologin Profiles.

Testing process

Customers receive an all-inclusive account with advertising account, page, proxy, payment card, etc. They can create campaigns themselves, then wait for the campaigns to become active and run. Usually, test accounts only have $1 for testing.

Top up and run ads

Since customers are satisfied with the test account, they can deposit money and start running ads. The minimum amount for the first deposit is $50, and subsequent deposits must be over $200. We are always there for our customers with 24/7 online support.

How to run successful ads?

For whitehat ads, which are approved by Facebook and easy to run, but for blackhat ads, you need the following

If the campaign’s success rate is




Creative and engaging ad content


Aged ad accounts


Facebook Page


Constant monitoring and optimization


Blacklist & Lucky


Got a question?

Frequently Asked Questions

It depends on the ad type and the target country, as there are different rules for each. We’ll discuss these when you run ads. The rules only apply for the first 3-5 days; after that, you can run ads as you wish.
Rules help make the account stronger and campaigns more successful.

The Facebook ad threshold is a limit on the amount of money you are willing to spend on advertising within a specific time period. Once your ad spending reaches or exceeds this threshold, your ads will either stop running or won’t continue displaying until you increase the threshold or start a new period. This feature helps you control your ad budget and monitor your ad performance effectively.

“✅ Share last threshold” or”Share last bill” refers to an arrangement where, during the final payment period for Facebook ads, all participants agree not to make individual payments. Instead, they pool the total amount due and divide it equally among themselves, with each person contributing an equal share (e.g., 5-5).

For the SHARE LAST THRESHOLD program, we only accept thresholds of $600 or higher.

Our service includes the following: Social Facebook accounts, warmed-up Facebook ad accounts, integrated payment cards into ad accounts, Premium Proxies, and strong Pages.

We only accept payments through USDT TRC 20 or ERC 20.

We offer two free accounts for you. We start charging from the third account onwards, at a fee of $30/account. The money in the locked account will be transferred to another account.

No, we don’t sell accounts. Each of our accounts has a warm-up system integrated, along with our cards. The $30 fee is for account customization, not for selling.


Our Team

We primarily operate on Telegram.