

Agencygeo offers Facebook Agency Ad Account for both regular and agency accounts. For more information, visit their website at

Business Manager: bugs and issues

FB is updating a lot of code in BM, resulting in various bugs: 1️⃣ Business Manager is difficult to access, often showing errors, making account replacements for customers slower. 2️⃣ Verification Bug: Accounts are constantly asked to verify credit cards,…

Facebook Social Accounts – Instructions and troubleshooting

Facebook social account (SOC), also known as a mother account, parent account, or manager account, is not related to advertising accounts. It is used to manage advertising accounts. One social account can manage hundreds of advertising accounts. If a social…

Announcement: Removing low-scoring pages.

Every month, we remove low-scoring pages to ensure optimal ad performance for our customers. Pages with low feedback scores may have their advertising restricted. This means your ads may reach fewer people for the same budget. After removal, customers will…

Facebook threshold $2

Lately, the number of accounts with the “Threshold $2” error has been increasing abnormally. It doesn’t affect customers directly but has a significant impact on our team’s budget. Accounts that have been running ads for a while and have stabilized…

How long does the ad review process take?

Ad Review Process Explained Facebook system primarily uses automation to check ads against our Advertising Standards, with human reviewers aiding in system improvement and handling some manual reviews. Ads aren’t always reviewed for all policies before running but can be…

Issue linking Facebook page to Instagram account. 

Some clients want to run ads on Instagram, must link with a page. Never link your Instagram with shared pages, as others using the same page can run ads on your Instagram.  Best to create a new page with your…

Facebook page isn’t allowed to advertise

If a customer’s campaign suddenly stops running, there could be various reasons, such as the account running out of funds, being disabled, or sometimes, it could be due to the page losing its advertising functionality, which Facebook refers to as…